Matthew R. Siegfried

Matthew R. Siegfried

Associate Professor

Department of Geophysics

Colorado School of Mines

office: Green Center 245B

phone: 303.384.2004


Matt is a glaciologist who uses satellite remote sensing techniques in combination with field-based and airborne geophysical methods to understand physical processes of Earth’s glaciers and ice sheets. He runs the Mines Glaciology Laboratory, where the team collects and synthesizes ground-, air-, and space-based datasets in an effort to span the spatial (centimeters to 100s of km) and temporal (minutes to centuries) on which these processes occur. He is particularly interested in processes at the ice-bed interface, which lies hidden beneath 10s to 1000s of meters of ice at the intersection between glaciology, hydrology, geology, microbiology, and oceanography. He strives to work with a diverse set of researchers to create a unique perspective on the role of subglacial processes within the larger global Earth system. As a polar scientist, Matt is also committed to maintaining an open discussion of the changing cryosphere, having collaborated with institutions ranging from local elementary schools to the U.S. State Department in an effort to facilitate our conversation about the local, regional, and global impacts of changes at the Earth’s poles. Matt is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Geophysics at Colorado School of Mines and is affiliated faculty with the Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program and the Humanitarian Engineering Program.


  • PhD in Earth Sciences, 2015

    Scripps Institution of Oceanography

  • M.S. in Earth Sciences, 2010

    Dartmouth College

  • A.B. in Earth Sciences, 2008

    Dartmouth College



Subglacial Hydrology

subglacial lakes, drainage processes, groundwater


Ice-Ocean Interaction

ice shelves, grounding zones, ice fronts, polynyas


Air- & Space-borne Altimetry

Operation IceBridge, ICESat-2, CryoSat-2, NISAR

Recent Publications

Click here for our full list of publications

(2024). Coincident Lake Drainage and Grounding Line Retreat at Engelhardt Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.


(2024). Entrained Water in Basal Ice Suppresses Radar Bed‐Echo Power at Active Subglacial Lakes. Geophysical Research Letters.


(2023). A method for successful collection of multicores and gravity cores from Antarctic subglacial lakes. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.


(2023). Alongshore Winds Force Warm Atlantic Water Toward Helheim Glacier in Southeast Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.


(2023). Biogeochemical and historical drivers of microbial community composition and structure in sediments from Mercer Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica. ISME Communications.

